Impact Reports

Team MCR Impact Report 2022-23

To read the full 5 page Team Mcr Impact Report for 2022-23 click here.

Team MCR Impact Report 2021-22

Annual impact report which shows a snapshot of the work undertaken by the charity, but more so the power of a collective effort.


155 school members


Pupil Activity & Wellbeing Survey 20211071 responses from young people
Schools Covid Recovery Consultation140 responses
104 schools engaged
Strategy Consultation20+ partners, organisations and networks


EXCEL Competitions120 competitions & events
960 teams
8,640 students
Inspire & Inclusion Events42 competitions, festivals & events
336 teams
3,024 students
Leagues23 leagues
75 divisions
519 teams
7,785 students
Celebrating SuccessLily Lane Primary School
GM Sportshall Athletics Champions

Our Lady’s RC High School for Boys
Y8/9 GM Indoor Athletics Champions
Manchester representation at
Greater Manchester Finals
Girls Football
Plymouth Grove & St Anthony’s RC Prmary

Tag Rugby
Beaver Road Primary

Tri Golf
Button Lane Primary

Targeted Interventions

School Games

Introduction of the new and improved inclusive health check and School Games mark.

Skills 4 Life

GM Leadership Academy30 students
PALS training15 schools
90 student leaders
1,500 Sports Leaders
7,500 volunteer hours

Health, Wellbeing & Personal Development

Mental Health Awareness Training68 teachers trained
Bikeability£45,000 funding
1,056 children trained
Change 4 Life Festivals29 schools attended
56 Change 4 Life Champions
Creating an Active SchoolFramework national pilot Active Education
Health & Wellbeing Schools Lead12 health champions schools
120 health ambassadors
61 daily mile schools

Transforming Communities

Opening Schools Facilities12 Manchester schools received funding totalling £52,000
NIKE Open Doors PartnershipNew community sport programme
Active LivesSport England National Survey
17 Manchester schools
Community Holiday ProgrammeHoliday Activity Fund
3 Easter schemes
6 summer schemes
450 children
75 leaders
45 staff

Partners include MCC, MCR Active, Nike, UK Active, British Cycling, Mcr United Foundation, HAF,
Rio Ferdinand Foundation, Tactile Arts, WallBall.

Barclays Girls Football Development

Training & resources, curriculum and out of school participation, competitive and leadership opportunities.

FA Girls Schools Strategic Lead
for Manchester
60 primary & 56 secondary girls teams
2,473 girls playing football

Wright Robinson College successfully presented a demonstration of a ‘Go Lead’ session to the Barclays CEO and senior board members.

Building a Legacy

Birmingham Commonwealth Games Festival programme
7 schools trained
44 leaders
35 primary schools
Women’s Euros 2022Charlestown Primary represented nationally to launch the Women’s Euros School Resources.

Charity Development

Twitter1k followers
Tweet impressions have gone up by 50%
Profile visits have risen by 29.6%
Instagram230 followers
Engagement rising each week
Mailchimp464 subscribers
All receive weekly newsletters and bulletin’s

5 newsletters which go out termly and over
35 bulletins which go out to PE leads every Friday.
Koboca112 primary schools & 33 secondary schools now using Koboca.