TeamMCR and MPETT agree to merge

We are delighted to announce that Manchester Schools PE Association (TeamMCR) and Manchester PE and Teacher Training (MPETT) have taken the decision to merge and become one organisation. The merger will provide a new comprehensive membership package for Manchester schools covering Continuing Professional Development, Competitions and Events, Health and Wellbeing Programmes, Inclusion, Leadership and School to Community links.

Briefing details on the new programmes and membership packages will be provided to schools in June with the new system being in place from the start of the new school year in September.

This combined offer will support schools to offer high quality PE, sport and physical activities, resulting in more children and young people living healthy and active lives. The offer will also support primary schools in meeting the key requirements of the PE and Sports Premium funding;

• increasing the confidence, knowledge and skills in staff who teach PE and sport

• increasing engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and sport

• raising the profile of PE and sport across the school, to support whole school improvement

• offer a broader and more equal experience in a range of sports and physical activities to all pupils

• increase participation in competitive sport

Chair of TeamMCR, Eamonn O’Rourke said:

“This is a massive step forward for PE, school sport and physical activity for our children & young people in Manchester. MPETT and TeamMCR are both high quality organisations who have historically operated independently from each other and have offered separate membership packages for schools. This merger will bring together the significant knowledge and expertise that exists in both teams to provide a truly high-quality offer to schools”

Chair of MPETT, Martin Wright said:

“We are delighted to have completed this merger. The national agenda for PE requires a commitment to CPD for teachers, providing engaging programmes for Young People  which will encourage them to take part in PE, Sport and Physical Activity, whilst presenting ways in which PE can make a significant contribution to whole school improvement. Bringing together MPETT and TeamMCR allows all of these issues to be addressed within one programme.”